Welcome to the official press page of Jevonya, a distinguished author, certified business consultant, networking coach, and the founder of Twisted Networking. Jevonya has established herself as a leader in the business arena, dedicating herself to helping individuals and businesses tackle their challenges and reach new heights of success.
On this page, you will find a wealth of media featuring Jevonya's insights and expertise. Explore her engaging podcast interviews, captivating YouTube discussions, and a collection of articles both written by and about her. These resources highlight Jevonya's innovative approach to problem-solving and her commitment to fostering growth through effective networking and business strategies.

7 steps introverts can take to become 'master networkers' by Annika Kim Constantino
If you’re an introvert, striking up a conversation with a stranger at a crowded event might sound like a nightmare. But that’s what networking is all about — and a networking coach says you’re fully capable of mastering the skill.
Jevonya Allen, a self-described introvert who has been a networking coach for more than five years, says people often look down on introverts. "We don't derive our fulfillment in life off of being that No. 1 person in the room that wants all the attention, and society says that's not good.

Network Like an Introvert by Mentors Collective Staff
When I tell people that I am an introvert, their first reaction is disbelief. I think their reaction is justified simply because people still do not understand what it means to be an introvert. Many introverts have yet to uncover what this means for how they appear in the world. For example, after reading my book The Introvert’s Guide to Becoming a Master Networking, one reader said, “I used to think that being an introvert was a disadvantage or some type of disability, but not anymore.” Another reader states, “Thanks, for making it cool to be an introvert.”

Tips and Tricks for the Introverted Man by Jevonya Allen
In summary, networking is one of the most important skills you can master. However, as an introverted male, networking can be challenging because it stretches you outside of your comfort zone. This article offered six practical tips to make networking more comfortable, easier, and natural. Remember to set your networking goal, know your script, prepare your questions, bring your wingman, find other introverts, and create your own event if you’re daring. Act on these tips and make an extra effort to conquer the networking scene today!

Jevonya Allen Founder of Twisted Networking by Remi Jones
Jevonya embarked on her entrepreneurial journey in 2009, which led her to start Twisted Networking, a business networking organization in 2017. In 2020, Jevonya became a certified business consultant, and in 2021 she self-published her first book, “The Introvert’s Guide to Becoming a Master Networker.”

How to Succeed as an Introvert in an Extroverted Universe by A Blogger's Lifestyle
Introverts often feel pressured to show extroverted behaviors in order to become successful in a world that seems to favor outgoing personalities.
The mainstream notion suggests that success requires being outspoken, constantly seeking the spotlight, and commanding attention in social and professional settings.
However, Jevonya Allen, a self-proclaimed introvert and author of “The Introvert’s Guide to Becoming a Master Networker,” offers an interesting alternative perspective.

There’s a common misconception that introverts have to mimic stereotypically extroverted personalities to succeed: Be outspoken, always raise your hand, and command a room.
But the most successful introverts actually get ahead by avoiding those situations entirely, and building environments where they can contribute in more comfortable ways, says Jevonya Allen, a self-described introvert and author of “The Introvert’s Guide to Becoming a Master Networker.”

Top 10 Business Coaches To Look Out For in 2022
Running a business is hard, and not everyone comes from a business background or has the time to learn everything about the business. That’s when an experienced mentor knows to step in and help take your business to the next level. It’s not about giving you the answers, but rather helping you find the answers yourself through thoughtful questions and guidance. An experienced coach not only brings an expert perspective but can also hold you accountable to your goals and help you stay focused.

Issa Rae Set to Hit the Stage Live at Black Enterprise’s Women of Power Summit by Atiya Jordan
If you’re rooting for everybody BLACK like we are, then be in the room when Issa Rae hits the stage to headline BLACK ENTERPRISE’s 2023 Women of Power Summit, celebrating a sisterhood like no other.
Hosted by ADP, the three-day in-person experience kicks off on Thursday, March 9 at the Bellagio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV. With a full schedule doused in Black Girl Magic, the summit will carry on with celebratory events and a dynamic lineup of conversations for executives and leaders to be empowered.

Author Spotlight by Jakia Myles
In my role as a networking coach, my primary objective is to empower individuals and organizations to enhance their networking skills and optimize their networking endeavors for business growth and success. I accomplish this through a diverse range of offerings, including my book The Introvert’s Guide to Becoming a Master Networker, my comprehensive digital course, Networking School, engaging in-person and virtual workshops, and delivering impactful speaking engagements.

How to network in tech with no experience by Natalia Barszcz
Starting from square one may be scary, but there are many traditional and innovative networking strategies designed for those new to the tech industry. From leveraging alumni groups and attending industry events, there are plenty of practical tips on how to build a professional network from scratch. Dr. Kyle Elliott, tech career coach and founder of Kyle Elliott Consulting, and Jevonya Allen, networking coach and founder of Twisted Networking, are sharing a few of their secrets on how to break into tech from the ground floor.

7 dicas para pessoas introvertidas fazerem boas conexões de negócios
Se você é introvertido, iniciar uma conversa em um evento lotado pode parecer um pesadelo. No entanto, segundo a coach de relacionamentos Jevonya Allen, pessoas introvertidas podem contornar essa situação desenvolvendo certas estratégias.

Cách để người hướng nội dễ dàng kết nối với người lạ
Bà Jevonya Allen từng là chuyên gia kết nối trong vòng hơn 5 năm, đồng thời cũng là một người hướng nội. Cô chia sẻ trên trang CNBC Make It rằng những người hướng nội thường không đạt được thành tựu trong cuộc sống.

7 Steps Introverts Can Take to Become ‘Master Networkers
If you’re an introvert, striking up a conversation with a stranger at a crowded event might sound like a nightmare. But that’s what networking is all about — and a networking coach says you’re fully capable of mastering the skill.
Jevonya Allen, a self-described introvert who has been a networking coach for more than five years, says people often look down on introverts.

7 ทริคดีๆ ที่จะช่วยให้เหล่า Introverts สามารถกลายเป็น ‘Master networkers’ ได้ by CHANAPA SIRICHEEVAKESORN
Jevonya Allen Networking coach และผู้เขียนหนังสือเล่มล่าสุด “The Introvert’s Guide to Becoming a Master Networker” ที่เป็นหนึ่งในชาว Introvert ได้กล่าวว่า การมีบุคลิก Introvert ไม่ใช่เรื่องผิด และไม่ได้หมายความว่าสิ่งที่เราเป็นจะทำให้เราประสบความสำเร็จในอาชีพได้น้อยลง Allen ได้ยกตัวอย่าง เช่น Mark Zuckerberg , Bill Gates และ Warren Buffett โดยกล่าวว่าจุดแข็งของชาว Introvert คือ มีทักษะการฟัง ทักษะการแก้ปัญหาและความสามารถในการหลีกเลี่ยงการตัดสินใจที่หุนหันพลันแล่นได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ

La qualité principale qui distingue les introvertis qui s’épanouissent de la plupart des autres : c’est « ce qui les aide à prospérer by LOUISE MEUNIER
Il existe une idée fausse répandue selon laquelle les introvertis doivent imiter les personnalités extraveties stéréotypées afin de réussir : être franc, lever toujours la main et dominer une pièce. Cependant, les introvertis les plus performants progressent en évitant complètement ces situations et en créant des environnements où ils peuvent contribuer de manière plus confortable. C’est ce qu’explique Jevonya Allen, une introvertie autoproclamée.

El truco definitivo para triunfar en la empresa siendo una persona introvertida by ANDREA NÚÑEZ-TORRÓN STOCK
Es una de las principales recomendaciones que aporta Jevonya Allen, que se describe a sí misma como introvertida y autora de The Introvert’s Guide to Becoming a Master Networker. Esta recomienda que, si estás en un equipo en el que esperan que hables, puedes comentarle a tu jefe o responsable la idea de presentar tus ideas por escrito.

Sedam savjeta kako introverti mogu postati majstori umrežavanja by TIHOMIR DOKONAL
Jevonya Allen, koja samu sebe opisuje kao introvertnu osobu koja je više od pet godina bila trenerica networkinga, kaže da ljudi često gledaju s prezirom na introverte. “Svoju životnu ispunjenost ne nalazimo u tome što smo osoba broj 1 u prostoriji, osoba koja želi svu pažnju, a društvo kaže da to nije dobro. Zbog toga mislimo da je problem u nama ili da nismo normalni”, rekla je za CNBC Make It Allen, koja je nedavno objavila knjigu “The Introvert’s Guide to Becoming a Master Networker”.

Seorang Introvert Bisa Jadi Master Networkers dengan Bekal 7 Poin Ini, Disimak Ya! by APRILIA WAHYU MELATI
Jika Anda seorang introvert, memulai percakapan dengan orang asing di acara yang ramai mungkin terdengar seperti mimpi buruk. Padahal pada momen itu Anda bisa memperbanyak relasi atau jaringan. Mau tidak mau, Anda harus menguasai keterampilan tersebut.
Seperti kisah Jevonya Allen seorang introvert yang menggambarkan dirinya sendiri. Allen yang telah menjadi pelatih jaringan selama lebih dari lima tahun mengatakan bahwa masih ada orang yang sering meremehkan introvert.

Tips Terkini: Introvert Alami Kesulitan Berteman, Ini Kata Para Ahli
Banyak orang khawatir ketika harus bertemu rekan kerja baru di tempat kerja, terutama orang yang introvert. Namun, mereka masih harus belajar beradaptasi untuk memperkuat jaringan mereka. Ini penting bagi siapa saja.
Jevonya Allen, seorang ahli dengan lebih dari lima tahun di bidang pembinaan hubungan, mengatakan bahwa masyarakat sering salah menilai kelompok ini.

5 Tips Networking untuk Introvert
First thing first, beri afirmasi positif kepada diri sendiri. Memberi afirmasi positif dinilai bisa membuatmu lebih percaya diri dan menghilangkan rasa overthinking seperti diakui Jevonya Allen seorang networking coach yang mengaku seorang introvert seperti dilansir dari CNBC. Kamu bisa mengatakan “Saya seorang introvert yang tidak selalu suka bersosialisasi, namun itu bukanlah sebuah masalah”.